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Discover your lucky gemstone according to numerology

You know your lucky gemstone grounded on your wheel sign and may have indeed set up your enneagram type. But have you familiarised yourself with numerology? If not, buckle up because we ’re diving right into the lucky rocks
grounded on numerology. These gems carry the energy of the earth within them, and wearing these will attract the globes ’ good fortune your way.

Numerology holds rocks
in high regard as they can lift your spirits and attract good luck. Gem remedy is the art of using these monuments to heal the mind, body and soul, directly impacting your life’s quality. In numerology, there are ‘ 9 ’ figures and ‘ 8 ’ globes, and each earth is in charge of a number. thus, wearing rocks
that fit your number or astrological map is largely recommended.

Numerology studies the interplay between figures, letters, and patterns to more understand the tone, others and the world at large. So, stay with us — as we explain how to calculate your life path number.

How to calculate your numerology or life path number( aka your fortune number)
Add the figures from the day of your birth. Let’s say-so, you ’re born on the 21st, add up 2 1 = 3.
also, add the figures from the month of your birth. For illustration, if you ’re born in December, the 12th month of the time, add 1 2 = 3.
After that, add the figures from the time of your birth. For illustration, if you ’re born in 1998, add 1 9 9 8 = 27
Eventually, add the figures you got from all the former way( from way 1 to 3). Day month time 3 3 27 = 33
still, add these integers to get the life path number that represents you, If the final number is made of two integers. In this case, it’ll be 3 3 6. So, 6 is your numerology number.
Each numerology number from 1 to 9 also corresponds well with a set of birth date figures irrespective of the birth month or time. Have you calculated your life path number? Now, discover your lucky rock
grounded on numerology.

Find your lucky rock
according to numerology
Number 1 People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month
Ruling earth Sun

Lucky rock

The ancient rock
ruby belongs to the earth Sun, and helps bring positivity, power, and wealth, in addition to boosting the confidence of the wear and tear. It’s especially salutary for people heading corporates or businesses, those stationed at directorial situations as well as political leaders.

The stylish way to wear ruby is either in a ring or pendant form. Make sure that the ring is set in gold and worn on the right- hand ring cutlet.

July gemstone Ruby Tiffany &Co.
Number 2 People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month
Ruling earth Moon

Lucky rock

Pearl helps enhance creative chops and nurture imaginative and innovative capabilities. It also helps reduce wrathfulness, bringing calmness and courage to its wear and tear. Pearl can also help the wear and tear ward off any professional roadblocks.

The stylish way to wear the gravestone is by bedding it in a ring and wearing it on the small cutlet of the right hand.

march gemstone plum rock

Image credit Marta Branco/ Pexels
Number 3 People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month
Ruling earth Jupiter

Lucky rock
unheroic Saphire

The glowing unheroic sapphire is known for bringing wealth, substance, and new sources of income to its wear and tear. The ‘ wisdom ’ gravestone is associated with the merits of good luck, beauty, and knowledge. It’s indeed more salutary for people in the field of trade, analysis, banking, or other fiscal sectors as well as the realm of education.

The stylish way to wear unheroic sapphire is as a ring on the indicator cutlet or as a pendant.

Image credit Wallpaper Flare
Number 4 People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month
Ruling earth Uranus

Lucky rock

The hessonite or the gomed gravestone is known for its massive benefits on the wear and tear’s health, piecemeal from making them extremely patient. It boosts restraint, confidence and concentrate that helps in the fulfilment of pretensions. piecemeal from hessonite, those with the lucky path number 4 can also conclude for garnet, blue aquamarine and opal.

The stylish way to harness this gravestone’s benefits is by wearing it as a ring on the middle cutlet of the right hand.


Image credit Tjflex2 Flickr
Lucky gemstone for April born according to Chinese wheel
Lucky gemstone for April born according to Chinese wheel
Lucky gemstone for March born according to Chinese wheel
Lucky gemstone for March born according to Chinese wheel
Number 5 People born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month
Ruling earth Mercury

Lucky rock

Emerald is an excellent rock
for enhancing the intellectual capacity of the wear and tear as well as bringing cornucopia, love, and luck their way. Wearing green emerald leads to bettered thinking capacities and helps flourish one’s business endeavours. Those working in the field of transnational business, exploration and commerce can greatly profit from it.

Emerald should be speckled in a ring set in tableware or gold and worn on the little cutlet.

green emerald rock

Image credit engin akyurt/ Unsplash
Number 6 People born on the 6th, 15th and 24th of any month
Ruling earth Venus

Lucky rock

Diamonds work prodigies for wedded couples, enhancing the love and spark in their relationship. piecemeal from percolating beauty, luxury and fineness on the face, they ’re known for eliciting positive passions as well as bringing fame and success to the wear and tear. These work stylish for people in the design profession or other creative fields including amusement.

Diamond works best when worn on the middle or little cutlet of the right hand. It should rather be cast in unheroic or white gold.

Image credit Sabrianna/ Unsplash
Number 7 People born on the 7th, 16th and 25th of any month
Ruling earth Neptune

Lucky rock
Cat’s Eye

‘ 7 ’ is one of the most auspicious figures in numerology used to describe intellectualists, deep thinkers and scholars. It represents wholeness and perfection.

The cat’s eye gravestone is associated with bringing wealth and substance, in addition to helping the wear and tear recapture lost wealth. The gravestone helps people master tone- control and discipline as well as gives a serious boost to memory. People in the field of personality development, exploration work or jotting benefit largely from the gravestone.

It should be worn on the middle cutlet of the right or the working hand.

Cat’s eye
Image credit Wikimedia Commons
Number 8 People born on the 8th, 17th and 26th of any month
Ruling earth Saturn

Lucky rock
Blue Sapphire

piecemeal from fending off negative powers, blue sapphire is salutary when it comes to reaching the zenith of success, soothing the senses and recovering tone- control. It also has a host of health benefits, furnishing relief from palsy and neurosis, boosting metabolism among other effects. People working in the field of deals or aeronautics prosper from blue sapphire the most.

It should be speckled in gold and worn on the middle cutlet of the right hand.

– sapphire
Beautiful rocks
which signify love
Beautiful rocks
which signify love
Discover your lucky rock
according to your moon sign
Discover your lucky rock
according to your moon sign
Number 9 People born on the 9th, 18th and 27th of any month
Ruling earth Mars

Lucky rock
Red Coral

The red coral rock
helps in prostrating fear and unease, breeding courage and boosting the tone- regard of the wear and tear. It has great mending goods that help in clearing internal roadblocks, bringing spiritual harmony, and perfecting fiscal conditions. Those in the field of defence including those stationed in the Army, Air Force or Navy, profit a lot from red coral.

Red coral is stylish worn as a ring cutlet on either the left or the right hand.

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